Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ministry Partner of the Month - December 2014

Prayer Requests:

1. Frontier Camp’s 10th trip to Limbe, Haiti to work with our camp plant, Jacob’s Well. Our trip with 20 of our summer staffers will take place January 5-12, 2015

2. Camper recruiting for summer 2015…that God would give us a full harvest field

3. Camper hearts for this summer’s spiritual program…that there would be good soil in their lives

4. All our summer 2014 campers that they would remember the spiritual lessons from last summer and pursue a daily relationship with God

5. For our first ever Father/Son “Passage” weekend coming up this spring; this is for dads and their teenage sons as they walk them through a passage into manhood

6. The completion of Fossil Creek’s Quarry Lodge building

7. Year-end giving to be healthy and all the financial needs of the camp ministry to be met

8. Staff recruiting, screening and hiring for summer 2015 to go well and give us a godly, servant team for the 2015 campers

9. Adoption process—our family is 2 years deep into trying to adopt a brother and sister from Haiti (Peirrot and Dashka). Haiti changed all their adoption rules delaying the process. All our paperwork is complete and in the hands of the Haitian Adoption Agency (IBESR) but it is in danger of “expiring.” The word Haiti means “mountain” so join us in praying for God to move a mountain in Haiti and bring our children home.

10. Home schooling for Emma and Will to continue to go well

11. Will and I are involved in the local boy scout troop; pray for our ministry with the boys and families

12. We’ve recently joined a new church, Lake Baptist. One of our staff members (Stuart Sanders) has just become the pastor there. Pray for revitalized ministry to the lake community, Stuart to balance family, camp and church, and our family to plug in with our gifts and make the adjustment from a mid-sized to very small church body.

13. Our new Food Service Director to settle into his new home here at camp and the new role of serving 6,000 guests annually. Our former FSD recently left after 8 years…on our staff of 14 we have basically no turnover with some folks serving here over 35 years. So it is an adjustment!

14. A praise in that Fossil Creek camp for teens opened this past summer and we saw a 20% increase in our teen camper population with lots of spiritual growth amongst them.

15. A praise for the 130 new believers that trusted Christ during our summer camps in 2014

16. For our 12th annual Angel Tree Week of camp for children of prisoners that will take place July 26-30, 2015. Pray that the cycle of prison will be broken in this generation of campers and that they won’t repeat the sins of their fathers.

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