Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Prayer Requests For WBC Ministry Partner: Firstlook Ministries

Firstlook Ministries
·  That God is glorified in all words and actions at the clinic and in the Boutiques as we strive to serve Him
·  That babies are born and mothers and fathers are re-born
     · That life looks different to the woman or man that enters our door and has been extended an invitation to     follow Christ.
     -That these clients will respond to Christ's invitation   and live in Unity, Integrity and accountability
·For financial provision as outreach increases in the present world economy
·More abortion minded women and men enter the doors of FirstLook
·Boldness to stand in Truth
·Medical staff with ultrasound training and STI/STD Testing
· Larger, prime property for relocating
· Volunteer staff for FirstLook Boutique/s needed
· Father-to-father mentoring support group
· Silver Ring Thing” abstinence program for the city of Ellis County youth and parents scheduled for the fall of 2013
·  That FirstLook staff stays healthy and strong
·  That God would raise up prayer warriors and leaders for Post Abortion Recovery Healing Weekend Retreats
· That more men and women would make a commitment to marriage and family