Monday, September 8, 2014

Ministry Partner of the Month: Allen & Betty Pierce

First of all we want to Praise the Lord for the finished work of the Fang New Testament for the people of Equatorial Guinea, Africa.

Please pray concerning:
1. A contact with a USA-based company has offered to take the Fang New Testaments to Equatorial Guinea with one of their shipments. Pray this works out - saving shipping costs as well as reducing logistical and customs issues.

2. Pray that the Fang people will receive God’s Word with thanksgiving and want to share it.

3. That the Fang people would hunger for God’s word and want to learn to read it; enablement for Jocelyn, a missionary from Chile, who is in EG now working in Literacy, teaching the people to read.

4. Sami and Valeriana, as they serve as National Director and Linguistic Center managers, translators and all the other jobs they juggle with joy and servants hearts.

5. All the missionaries who live at the Linguistic Center and help to see Bible Translation, Literacy and Discipleship among the Guinean people – health, safety, unity.

6. The Fang people as they continue to work on the Old Testament.

7. For Andrew, an American and Wycliffe missionary, who will help with the translation of the Old Testament into Fang.

8. Unity among all the nationals and missionaries as they work together.

9. Allen and Betty’s future plans and God’s direction to work in Bible Storying to reach people groups who do not yet have the Bible.

10. For travel mercies and good health in the USA and overseas travel.

11. Our training with Story Runners, Campus Crusade for Christ mission, in Florida and Burkina Faso, Africa, this coming September- November.

12. For wisdom, clear minds and ability to recall stories from God’s Word and then tell them in a way that can be understood and retold, by all who listen.

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