Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Ministry Partner of the Month - Ken & Gwen Baker

October 15 through next April, we will be teaching advanced missions courses at the Institut Missiologique du Sahel (IMS) to French-speaking African mission leaders and mobilizers in Burkina Faso, West Africa. The IMS is in a small village 25 kms outside the capital city.

1. Pray for our health to be strong and resilient.

2. Pray that we will develop effective, contextualized courses.

3. Praise that we have the privilege to mentor these men and women!

4. Pray for wisdom as we seek to discern areas of growth needed.

5. Pray for us to persevere well in the heat without A/C!

6. Pray that we will develop good relationships with the students and staff.

7. Pray that our computers will work with limited solar electricity.

8. Pray for periodic communication with family back home (we will not have local internet).

9. Pray for wisdom in our teaching.

10. Pray for our French ability, we haven’t taught in French for a few years.

11. Pray for spiritual strength and vitality!

12. Pray specifically for Gwen’s English as a Foreign Language courses.

13. Pray for West Africa during the Ebola crisis, that God would stop the plague.

14. Pray for the IMS students as they study and prepare for mission engagement.

15. Pray for administrative capacity as Ken is interim director of the IMS program.

16. Pray for us as we deeply miss our children and grandson!!

17. Pray for us and IMS in the face of constant spiritual battle.

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