Friday, February 1, 2013

WBC Ministry Partner for March

Matt and Maggie Raines. The Raine's lead Frontier Camp Ministries in Grapeland, TX. Here are their prayer requests for the this month 1. Summer Camper Recruiting - God would move in hearts of children and their families and provide a way for campers to come. 2. Summer Staff Hiring - God would give discernment, enablement and provision. 3. Summer Camp Planning - wisdom and God's direction. 4. Spiritual Results for the coming summer - That God would transform lives. 5. Safety for the coming summer - protection for campers and staff on every level. 6. The year-round retreat ministry with over 40 groups a year and 4,000 people coming through the gates - God would continue to use Frontier Camp to impact many. 7. The full-time staff and their families - God's protection and provision. 8. Adoption process…our family is at the outset of adopting two children from Haiti! 9. Jacob’s Well Camp in Haiti—that the Haitian staff would begin using the camp for ministry in between times that American teams come and visit. 10. Angel Tree Week for children of prisoners…that cycles of sin would be broken and entire families would be brought into God's kingdom. 11. Summer Staff Discipleship/fellowship year-round - growth and encouragement. 12. Fossil Creek Camp fundraising…a new teen camp on our current property…specifically we have a challenge grant that we need to be met by April 30. 13. Fossil Creek construction…the new teen camp we hope to have ready for campers in summer 2014 - smooth process and timely completion. 14. Protection from environmental concerns such as extreme drought that might impact our ministry.

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