WBC Servant – Stephen Lile
1.Where do you serve here at WBC?
I am the Tech. Arts Dir. here at WBC
2.What do you do in your position of service?
I oversee a volunteer staff that operates the audio and video equipment for any type of event held at WBC. This includes the regular Sunday morning services as well as Weddings, Funerals or any occasion the Church gets rented out for. Not everybody knows this but it takes at least 6-7 people to run all of the equipment for a regular Sunday morning Service and we have a great group of volunteers to help accomplish this. And I really appreciate all of them and their service.
3.Why do you do it?
I do this because I really feel that The Lord has given me a gift and this is a way I get to give it back to him. And I feel that this is where he wants me.
4.Do you think all followers of Christ should be involved in service positions inside the church?
I believe that if there is a need within the Church body and your heart is being tugged at, than you need to listen and respond to that tug. All of us are different and our gifts are different but God knows you, your gifts
and talents and where to use you. You just have to listen and respond.
5. Do you think all followers of Christ should be involved in service positions outside the church?
I feel that as followers of Christ we already hold a position outside the Church. We are to be examples and a shining light to the unbelievers. That's what The Great Commission is all about. Mathew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.
6. How would you encourage people to get involved in serving God?
I would just encourage people to Listen to that still small voice. Not everybody is called to work in the nursery or to run a sound board. But you might be called to fix a meal for a family or drive someone to the Dr.that cant drive. If anything, God has given each one of us a special gift and that is to share the Gospel and be a good example of his Love.Will you listen?
WBC Servant JW Tabor
1. Where do you serve here at WBC?
I am a volunteer youth leader.
2. What do you do in your position of service?
Whatever Jacob asks me to do.
3. Why do you do it?
I do it because I love young people. I want to see them grow stronger and more mature in their walks with Christ. I really feel like this is the place the Lord wants me to be. I get great joy from watching and helping young people grow and succeed both inside and outside the church.
4. Do you think all followers of Christ should be involved in service positions inside the church?
I think that, as a church body, we should all be actively searching for our place inside the church that Christ is calling us to fill. I believe none of us are called to simply exist, there should be no appendix in the church body, everyone should be plugged in and active in helping the body grow and become stronger.
5. Do you think all followers of Christ should be involved in service positions outside the church?
I think, just as we are called to be active within the body of Christ to help in the growth of the body, we are also called to minister to a world that needs Christ. We are called to love those outside the church in the same way Christ did. I don’t see how that is possible without engaging in some kind of service outside the church.
6. How would you encourage people to get involved in serving God?
I would encourage people to at least give it a try. I’m sure there are many people in our church who are not serving only because they have not tried to find the place the Lord wants them. Jump in somewhere and get plugged in, if it doesn’t work seek the Lord’s guidance and try a different area. We could always use more people in the youth room!!
WBC Servant Arlene Hahn
1.Where do you serve here at WBC?
Nursery, Women's ministry, AWANA, Worship, SS, VBS, Missions Committee, Meals/Funeral Meals as needed
2.What do you do in your position of service?
Nursery - manage resources - set up nursery each Sunday and make sure all supplies and toys are put away, restock snacks, wash cups and smocks; serve 2nd/5th Sundays and sub when needed.
Women's ministry - assist with leader training, teaching team, small group co-leader, Missions focus for women's Bible Studies - contact missionaries for prayer requests each month, coordinate and make birthday cards for Missionaries.
AWANA - teach council time to grades 3-6 each week
Worship - Design and Evaluation committee - participate in weekly meetings to evaluate recent services and help plan future services. Sewing as needed (banners, panel covers).
SS - assist my husband Lou with our SS class, send out weekly prayer requests, organize fellowships,
VBS - Make decorations since I'm usually out of town the week of VBS
Missions Committee - participate in monthly meetings, prepare Missions House for incoming families.
Meals/Funeral Meals as needed - prepare meals for families, assist in set up, serving and clean up for funeral meals.
3. Why do you do it?
God has done so much for me that I serve out of gratitude to Him. The Bible teaches that each believer is equipped and gifted to be a functioning/serving part of the local church - I don't want the church to suffer because I'm unwilling or unavailable to use my gifts as part of the local church. 2 Thes. 3:10 teaches that if you won't work you shouldn't eat - since I'm being spiritually fed here at WBC I need to be serving/working here. It's like I used to tell my children - "you live and eat here, you help here".
4. Do you think all followers of Christ should be involved in service positions inside the church?
Definitely! If some of us aren't serving then our gifts are missing from the body...and the body of Christ will suffer in some way. Imagine a body missing some toes or fingers, a hand or foot...that's a church where some of the people aren't serving - if believers are not serving then the church can't function as well as God intended. All believers should be serving in a local church. If they aren't then that church is missing out or someone else is carrying their load.
5. Do you think all followers of Christ should be involved in service positions outside the church?
Yes...that's how we become salt and light to a dark world around us, it's how we become the hands and feet of Jesus to a lost and dying world. Jesus said that when we ministered to the "least of these" we were ministering to Him.
6. How would you encourage people to get involved in serving God?
I'd suggest they get connected to a small group and/or SS class and start getting aquainted with their WBC family. Then find out where there are ministry needs (nursery has lots of openings currently!) and then plug in there. Check the bulletin/Ignite for upcoming programs and ministry opportunities and contact the individual in charge to see what they need or offer your skills/abilities that you think might be a good match.
Don't wait to be asked to help out or serve - see where there is a need that you can help meet and then get busy! Serving brings lots of blessings and opportunities to grow and learn - don't miss out because you feel inadequate or unneeded - we're all needed! To not get involved is a real shame - you'll miss out on the role God has prepared just you for! Eph. 2:10 tells us that God has created each of us to do good works...works He has prepared for us in advance. He has a plan for each of us to serve, wouldn't you hate to miss out on that. God saves us to serve...and there are plenty of places to serve. Imagine if everyone at WBC did one thing - all needs would be covered and each of us would have the benefit of being a good and faithful servant.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
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