Friday, July 30, 2010

Q & A with Worship Leader Corey Thedford

Corey Thedford serves WBC by helping lead worship in the Sunday services. He and His wife Heidi offer their thoughts on marriage in the following interview. They decided to work together to answer the questions together with one collective answer.

What is the best thing about marriage? The best thing about marriage is having your best friend with you always!

What is the hardest thing about marriage? The hardest thing about marriage is having that same friend hurt you and lose your trust in them.

What do you think is God’s intention for marriage? He wants us to become one flesh and have a relationship with each other centered on Him.

How has marriage affected your worship (music) of God? Through the bumps in our marriage we have learned to fully rely on God.

What are some of the biggest things that God has taught you about Himself through your marriage? That He is there for you always, especially when you are broken and need Him the most. He has taught us that we are not perfect and that we are to truly forgive each other for our mistakes. (Isaiah 43:25) “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and remembers your sins no more.” If He can forgive us of our transgressions and not remember our sins, then how can we not forgive our loved ones of their transgressions against us.

Do you recommend for people to attend the Love and Respect Marriage Conference here at WBC? Don’t know if we can refer people to this conference as we have not attended it ourselves. That being said all classes at WBC that we have been to are great. If this course centers marriage on God then I would fully recommend it to anyone. The only way to have successful marriage is through Him.

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